Terms & Conditions

  • Commitment
We strive to constantly supply quality products at everyday low prices. Customer satisfaction is our #1 priority.
  • Order
Most orders are shipped on the same day(or 1~2 days) if received before 2:00 p.m. Pacific Standard Time or the following business day. Back orders will be shipped as soon as available. Please notify us if you want to cancel your back orders.
  • Payment
We accept payments by Credit Card.
  • Warranty
Acuworld.com provides most products with 1 year limited warranty. Please see products for detail.
  • Return and Exchange
All returns and exchanges must be kept in new condition and arranged by notifying us in advance. We'll refund your original purchase price less the actual shipping cost. No return or exchange is allowed after 30 days of your purchase. Certain items are not returnable upon opening such as software and books.
  • Damage and loss Claim
Please contact us in case of any damage or loss of merchandise, no later than 10 business days. Please do not discard the original box(es) from any damaged or loss shipment. Meanwhile file your claim with UPS or to other common carriers.
  • Modification
Prices and items may change without prior notice. Some items may appear slightly different from the pictures shown online.